By Henry - 11/11/2011 22:29 - Norway

Today, my girlfriend agreed to doing it doggy style. During it all, I pulled on her hair. I guess I pulled too hard, because when I let go, her face smacked straight into the bedside table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 976
You deserved it 45 796

Same thing different taste


every1luvsboners 11

This whole predicament could have been avoided if she was wearing a shower cap. Practice safe sex, bro.

SupaHotFire 4
k8izgr8_fml 0

how could you think that was a funny comment?

2ndSucks 15

Well, it was almost really kinky.

1123nic 0

And you thought pulling her hair was a good idea?

leadman1989 15

Next time just pull her ****** hair... nothing could possibly go wrong then! Problem alleviated.

Torva_fml 16

A slap to the face would be the problem From pulling pubic hair.... And every girl that I've been with has been completely shaved, I guess im lucky? :/

leadman1989 15

Torva, you're 16. Maybe the girls weren't shaved...

djphoenix18 1

Thats just so much nguyen right there! I envy you!

perdix 29

That's a nice story to tell the authorities. Just cause they call it a "bitch" slap, doesn't mean that's "doggy" style. You'll learn proper doggy-style in prison.

Torva_fml 16