By Anonymous - 11/09/2009 18:27 - United States

Today, My girlfriend and I were watching tv when suddenly one of our phones start going off. We both have the same phone and they were next to each other. She picks up the phone and reads the text message, "I wish you were here! I'd fuck you silly" She gets pissed and runs out. It was her phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 757
You deserved it 3 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hope your dumb girlfriend realized she made herself look retarded doing that.

What a cheating bitch! But hey, be glad you're rid of her.


Their rip-off of What Hurts The Most is terrible. I had to listen to the original 20 times to cleanse myself after i heard it

hahahah that girl needs to put a sicker on her phone er some shitt, so ya'll know the damn difference.

Never the woman is it? How dreary and self obsessed women are

YDI for giving your girlfriend's number to Clay Aiken.

lifeislife_fml 0

Haaa what an idiot. Don't worry, she'll find out soon enough when she realizes that she has the wrong phone. Or when she comes back to get her phone if she left without taking anything.

Wow. Forget any possibility of her cheating, I would break up with her for being such an idiot.

purplegrl 0

maybe she knew it was her phone and thats really why she ran off :)

the best way to get her back is for you to shove a pineapple up her ****** it'll be so streched out no one will wanna **** her after that also it would be really painful for her

lalagirl_89 0

what a hypocritical bitch! DUMP HER

I would have slapped that ho, she want's to act ho, I would have treated her like one...