By Anonymous - 11/09/2009 18:27 - United States

Today, My girlfriend and I were watching tv when suddenly one of our phones start going off. We both have the same phone and they were next to each other. She picks up the phone and reads the text message, "I wish you were here! I'd fuck you silly" She gets pissed and runs out. It was her phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 757
You deserved it 3 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hope your dumb girlfriend realized she made herself look retarded doing that.

What a cheating bitch! But hey, be glad you're rid of her.


blink831forever 13
mel322 0

wow lol..she sucks ...and shes really stupid...wonder what she did after she realized its her own fone

Today, my boyfriend and I were watching tv when suddenly one of our phones started going off. We both have the same phone and they were next to each other. I picked up the phone and the text message read, "I wish you were here! I'd **** you silly" I got pissed and ran out. Then I returned to the room five minutes later to grab the phone since it was my phone that the text was sent to. FML

no that's okay, we'll keep this FML. you can keep that version to yourself.

Wait- were the phones both on vibrate or something? I have a pretty unique kind of "chime" sound when I receive a text message, and normally people set their text message receiving notification a little differently from eachother...