By Micheal - 23/11/2009 03:59 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend broke up me with for being the "perfect boyfriend". Apparently I'm the best boyfriend she's ever had, and she didn't know how to take it. So she dumped me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 274
You deserved it 3 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds made up. She was prolly looking for a reason and couldn't think of anything


Pansy... look i put it politely, now learn to be a man and you'll be just fine. besides she used a cop out, aka jr. a lie

shadowolf1120 8

same thing happened to me, it sucks dont it?

be a ********. for some reason women fall for it

lovedodgers 0

Let me get your number . I need a perfect boyfriend.

shadowolf1120 8

havent you heard nice guys finish last who knows y but they do

She's probably been hurt really bad before so she got scared. Doesn't mean that she doesn't like you, and she probably hated leaving you. If a girl does this CHASE HER and show her that she's not inferior to you. Girls want to be pursued. Especially when they have self-esteem issues.

just take it as an opportunity to find a girl that's gonna appreciate you. she'll end up realizing she ****** up once she sees another girl enjoying you and you can have the chance to make up some lame excuse to not be with her. :)

pammievb 2

Sometimes women don't know what they have till it's gone, kinda like the grass is greener on tbe other side syndrome only to find out it's not. Hang in there OP