By heartbroken - 22/01/2010 01:18 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me, all because whenever I laugh I say "lol." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 245
You deserved it 114 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a completely rational reason to break up with someone. I would probably have stabbed you in the neck by then.

kachaa 0

Well of course! Girls only go for the guys that say "roflmao"... sheesh get with the program...


I hate when people say that. I would probably end up punching you if you said that every time you laughed.

victoria4161993 0

that's prety gay don't do that

op... what the **** is the matter with you? I don't blame your girlfriend ydi

it's ur ******* fault for saying that when ever u laugh

omg my friend use to do that. ******* hated that. so annoying !

afallingstar 22

if you said lol instead of actually laughing out loud then you are an idiot and deserved to be dumped...

lalalaloveit 0

YDI that's just plain stupid.

xman505 0

dude its kinda GAY for a guy to say it. i hate when ppl say lol it bugs