By heartbroken - 22/01/2010 01:18 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me, all because whenever I laugh I say "lol." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 245
You deserved it 114 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a completely rational reason to break up with someone. I would probably have stabbed you in the neck by then.

kachaa 0

Well of course! Girls only go for the guys that say "roflmao"... sheesh get with the program...


I can't stand lol it's bad enough written but SAYING lol?!?!?!?! why? can't you just laugh like the rest of us?

dopebaby420 0
LaRae17 0

sorry, dude, but YDI, totally.

chicabonita5683 0

Dated a guy who did the same thing. We broke things off for other reasons, but definitely have to say that I don't miss it. Also had a guy friend that used roflmao, pronounced a phrase too...

megamandude455 10

uh yyyyeah... op your a dumbass! you don't say lol unless your typing it out! you just laugh. when people say lol irl instead of actually laughing, then they're a technophile

You guys are idiots, come on now, saying lol a) isn't really the issue here, it's how often he said it, read the whole thing people, please. B) doesn't make him a mega freak, I know several buff ass baseball players that say it too, but yeah, EVERYTIME? That would get irritating buddy

maddysaidthat 0
murder_maiden 6

let me guess, when you want to express your feelings to her, do you say "I less than three you"? I would have broken up with you too. stop murdering the English language...

happysmartg 5

wow your retarded. who does that? LOSER!