By heartbroken - 22/01/2010 01:18 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me, all because whenever I laugh I say "lol." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 245
You deserved it 114 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a completely rational reason to break up with someone. I would probably have stabbed you in the neck by then.

kachaa 0

Well of course! Girls only go for the guys that say "roflmao"... sheesh get with the program...


crazy4uboi 6

I would hae probably slapped you the second time you said it... I say on a very rare occasion (usually joking or because I was just texting someone) so I would understand once but anymore than that I would slap you

A perfectly rational response to a perfectly absurd exclamation.

anubisismylife 9

You're lucky she didn't kick you in the balls.

I don't blame her!! What are you, 12? What would possess you to do that?

I hate to break it to you but that probably wasn't the problem, or at least the larger one. It probably did get on her nerves because that is sure as hell annoying. But she probably had a better reason to break up with you, she just didn't want to hurt your feelings that bad. You must be an idiot not only if you say lol but because you think that could be the only possible reason just because that's all she told you.

Ummm can't tell who's to blame here