By Anonymous - 28/07/2015 15:18 - United States - Milford

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me over the phone, after having left me to look after her dog while she went on a 2-week vacation with her family. Now I have to choose between paying for a kennel for her damn dog or taking care of it every day until she gets back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 167
You deserved it 2 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just take it to one of her closest relatives and tell them they'll have to take care of it until she's back because you're leaving.

Not stealing - taking care of it for an indefinite periode of time :)


They might have a use for that dog in Guangxi

Honestly, I'm really impressed and proud that you haven't even considered doing anything to harm the dog. I hate that we live in a world where "not taking a breakup out on an innocent animal" is a really awesome and upright thing to do, as opposed to just basic human decency, but still. Tons of people WOULD harm the dog without second thought, and she's incredibly lucky that you're not that kind of person. Which honestly just makes me think, you should probably get some kind of proof that the dog is safe and in good condition when she gets home. If the dog gets hurt or sick or something she could turn around and blame it on you. I can't think of how you'd do this, except maybe getting a vet to sign a piece of paper the day before she gets back affirming that the dog is healthy and doesn't appear to have suffered any abuse.

That's bitchy as hell on your girlfriend's part (excuse the pun) but please be the better person and ensure the dog stays safe regardless of the choice you make :)

Call animal control, just say that the dog is a stray.

Take care of the dog because he didnt do anything to you. Just because she broke up with you it's not the dogs fault

Leave the dogs at home and tell her to come watch them

tell her the dog ran away and keep him forever

put it in the pound, or, whwn they get back, hands then a bill and say that she agreed to it before she left the dig with you

or you could say the **** with it, forget the dog..

Typically you don't pay until you pick them up. So I say drop off the bitches dog and let her deal with the bill when she gets back!