By Anonymous - 28/07/2015 15:18 - United States - Milford

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me over the phone, after having left me to look after her dog while she went on a 2-week vacation with her family. Now I have to choose between paying for a kennel for her damn dog or taking care of it every day until she gets back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 167
You deserved it 2 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just take it to one of her closest relatives and tell them they'll have to take care of it until she's back because you're leaving.

Not stealing - taking care of it for an indefinite periode of time :)


anytime I have to board my dog, I always pay when I pick her up, not when I drop her off. find a place like this. make sure they're reputable, the dog didn't screw you, but you can screw her when she gets back to pick up her dog!

Take care of the dog. It's not the dogs fault that she is a nasty mean person.

dblogic 19

I would be so tempted to get a prop knife, fake blood, and stage a doggy homicide photo (or perhaps you have some good photoshop skills) & text it to that **** to hopefully ruin her vacation with emotional anguish...but that's just me. This FML reminds me of the time I was staying at my boyfriend's place dog-sitting for him while he was on vacation & I found out he was cheating on me. I took the high road & cared for the dog until his return...but I wished I would've staged the homicide scene instead!!

Leave plenty of food and water out for it (use their dishes/pots an pans if need be) and just let it roam the house! Maybe stop by a few times to let it out, but other than that, piss and shit all over the house sounds like adequate punishment

Don't punish the dog! Take care of it.

dump the dog back at her place and then tell her where it is. make her leave her lil vacation to save her dog.

Drop it off at the pound and let her know, that way the dog won't be put down but she'll have to pay a fine to get it back

Axel5238 29

Animals get put down after 2 weeks of not being adopted. The dog would either be given a new home or dead.

Pretty much all shelters make exceptions for those that they know belong to someone, especially if they have contact info and know the oerson to be in vacation. The shelters in my area give a fullmonth for someone to claim the dog and will all the owner every day if there is one. Dog sitter let mine loose one day and didn't tell me. Next day the shelter called and held my dog for 3 weeks till I got home. Had to pay a huge fee for care but not all shelters are heartless if you let them know what's up.

5280420 13

Lid up on all the toilets, open bag of food on the floor. Let her deal with the rest.

If you really hate her, or dislike her to the point of being rude upon giving her the dog you can say something like "goodbye bitch, and bye [name of the dog]"