By Anonymous - 28/07/2015 15:18 - United States - Milford

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me over the phone, after having left me to look after her dog while she went on a 2-week vacation with her family. Now I have to choose between paying for a kennel for her damn dog or taking care of it every day until she gets back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 167
You deserved it 2 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just take it to one of her closest relatives and tell them they'll have to take care of it until she's back because you're leaving.

Not stealing - taking care of it for an indefinite periode of time :)


Op, I know it hurts but the dog is innocent. It's another life who has no idea what happened and is dependent on human care. Don't harm it or dump it on the streets or in a shelter, otherwise you are just as bad as she is, or perhaps worse if it ends in the dogs death or harm...

You have been blessed with a golden opportunity, you now have two weeks to train the dog to hate her and crap in her bedroom

What she did was selfish but the dog is innocent in all of this. Don't take it a pound or shelter. Look after it until she gets back. They have feelings too.

drop the dog off at a shelter then she'll have to buy him back

"Accidentally" leave the front door of your house open.

lulla_fml 8

The dog has nothing to do with the break up! It shouldn't have to suffer ???

People that are saying drop it off at a shelter. Are you ******* serious? There is a chance it'll get adopted out. The poor thing is innocent in all of this and it would possibly be losing the owner it loves. Dogs aren't meant to be swapped and traded around. At least OP is being sensible. Even a joke about it is not funny. The poor thing deserves better.

Damn, she's a bitch. She put you in an impossible position because she's selfish. Just take the high road, OP. At the end you can have her come get the dog, be standing totally stone-faced and get to say "Lose my number" as you walk away.

unwantedforlife 14

Now you can say that due to circumstances, you are now forced to watch the dog so now charge her for pet care