By danthecomplicate - 29/09/2011 02:28 - United States

Today, my girlfriend changed her relationship status on Facebook to 'It's Complicated' because I didn't give her my last cookie. This happens all the time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 284
You deserved it 12 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people take that shit seriously. C'mon dude, didn't you know cookies are the most important part of a relationship?

Who does she think she is? The cookie monster?


Give her the last cookie then sneak off and buy a new pack of cookies when she's not around and enjoy them by yourself (:

iliketacos06 0

Sounds like shes a lot of unneccesary drama,is she worth it?

tavs02 6

Is she really worth it if she gives you trouble every time she doesn't get a cookie?

kenziem18 0

How old is your girlfriend? 14?

kenziem18 0

So be a gentleman and give her the cookie... Chivalry is so dead.

bellatrix4 0

It's your fault for dating someone so stupid.

morbidlybored 2