By great - 25/01/2013 20:36 - Puerto Rico - San Juan

Today, my girlfriend complimented me on my ass. Before I could say thanks, she continued by commenting that she wouldn't mind "breaking it in". FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 781
You deserved it 6 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sugarshane007 20

Wow!! Sleep on your back buddy!

Mordakai420 6

Run bro, run! The strap-ons! The horror!


Good to know I'm not the only gal wanting to try this..... ;)

Clearly she is into what is called pegging, I would suggest never turning your back on her mate.

Pinkfun69 4

Well you know what they say about Puerto Ricans and their ass play....

Ugh, women penetrating men? How nightmarishly unnatural.

SayAlexRules 5

And that's how AIDS got started!

Heard it's nice actually, guess I'll find out on a future fml.