By Brad - 08/03/2009 05:33 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend dumped me for someone else. An hour earlier I had just gotten permission from her dad to propose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 157 368
You deserved it 7 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mistress_Puppy 0

Oh poor thing I'm sorry. But at least you knew how she felt before you actually proposed.

At least this happened instead of her cheating on you with this guy down the road, leading to a long and painful divorce.


frozen_heart 0

I'm curious as to what happens when you ask her father for permission and he says no. Do you say "well she's the love of my life, and I'm hers, but since you don't approve, I guess we'll just have to end it here?" Or, do you propose to her anyway and if she says yes get married knowing her father didn't want you to marry his daughter? Because that has got to be really awkward. I'm on the side of those who find this offensive BUT it still sucks for you, OP...I'm sorry that happened to you :(

Hang in there man. Make sure to stay away from these feminist ***** when looking for your next woman.

As for the dad thing, it's a no risk issue. If he says yes. then you have wooed the in-laws. If he says no, you propose anyway and woo the girl.

XxInsanexX 0

Oh that sucks so hardcore. I would never do that to a guy. FYL

awww im sorry thats so sad. well she didnt know...? youll find someone else. but seriously, my sympathy.

YDI for asking him before you asked her. How was she supposed to know what you talked about with her dad? Obviously, she wasn't thinking along those lines at all. Talk it over with the potential wife before you talk it over with the potential in-laws. If you have traditional in-laws, you can be 'respectful' by asking for their blessing after.

bleedforMayheM 0

what the **** you dont need permission off anyone to get married **** him