By Brad - 08/03/2009 05:33 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend dumped me for someone else. An hour earlier I had just gotten permission from her dad to propose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 157 368
You deserved it 7 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mistress_Puppy 0

Oh poor thing I'm sorry. But at least you knew how she felt before you actually proposed.

At least this happened instead of her cheating on you with this guy down the road, leading to a long and painful divorce.


theres only one way to put it, that ******' sucks

ashohh 0

You guys are being so mean it's RETARDED. Instead of giving sympathy you're on his butt about him asking permission like it's a sin. REALLY? It IS polite, and no it's not disrespectful and all the other crap you called it. I'm sure if the father said no the girl would have had a say as well. Another question, WHY DO YOU CARE?? Enough to give him allll this crap for asking permission, is it really that much to you? Does it affect you? No. You guys are being rude to this poor guy cause he did something LOTS of people still think is respectful, get over it.

Ouch bro still at lest you know would have married someone who didnt care about you sorry man

simplewhimsy 0

There are better girls out there. Kudos to you for asking her father permission first. :)

cartering 0

If you can't be polite to your girl when you are proposing, you really can't expect sympathy for the fact she dumped your ass. You go girl. #118, if he felt his girl should have a say regardless of what her father thought, he would have asked his girlfriend her permission and then his father for his blessing. He wouldn't have had any reason at all to ask her father for his permission first. You don't do that unless you don't think your girl is capable of having any say at all

KristelDreams 0

Awww you deserve a hug because of this.

wow that sucks. It is sooo romantic and sweet when a guy asks a father for his daughters hand in marriage, these days it even seems rare. She REALLY doesn't deserve you.

mwilhelm 0