By Brad - 08/03/2009 05:33 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend dumped me for someone else. An hour earlier I had just gotten permission from her dad to propose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 157 368
You deserved it 7 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mistress_Puppy 0

Oh poor thing I'm sorry. But at least you knew how she felt before you actually proposed.

At least this happened instead of her cheating on you with this guy down the road, leading to a long and painful divorce.


lubot_266 7

tell her dad. lol. revenge will be sweet.

You are emotionally, financially, socially and sexually SOOOOOOOOOO lucky. Sure, short term it sucks, but going through divorce and realizing so many years of life were wasted? I feel for you bro, but it is definitely the lesser of two evils. Now, go out there and get laid! I'm talking great, meaningless, fun sex!

BobbysGirly 0

Agreed with #1. You'll find someone better. Trust me.

BobbysGirly 0

A comment on the argument, people are people and no two are the same. Meaning, some have one opinion, others have another. I would prefer my boyfriend ask my father before asking me. Some of you may not, but face the fact that there is NO RIGHT OR WRONG. Just one preferenx

Jrockkx3 0

She was probably a ***** anyway :) ..soo cheer up!

marc24_fml 0

obv not a good choice on your part. can't have that strong of a relationship