By Brad - 08/03/2009 05:33 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend dumped me for someone else. An hour earlier I had just gotten permission from her dad to propose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 157 367
You deserved it 7 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mistress_Puppy 0

Oh poor thing I'm sorry. But at least you knew how she felt before you actually proposed.

At least this happened instead of her cheating on you with this guy down the road, leading to a long and painful divorce.


Also, @ #47, you are so juvenile to think that a girl would regret turning down a guy she didn't want to marry by seeing the ring which could have been hers. We are not so petty as to make a major life decision based on receiving a stupid piece of jewellery.

Blehstefany 0

Agreed with #1 But, I do have to say, that still is shitty.

awwwww. i'm sorry. hope u found someone better!

Wow bud that's pretty awful. Today, my x-box broke, my girlfriend left me for someone else, and I was fired. I can see mine are not as bad as yours but I hope you can get through this. ^_^

cmoney09 0

This is too number 15 as well. My brother in law came and asked my mother and father if he could marry my sister, and you know what my sister asked my brother in law, when he proposed? "Did you ask my father first?" If you think that is objectifying a woman, just don't ask her father, then see the pissed off look on his face, when his little princess comes home to tell him shes getting married, and he had no idea. Like number 19 said, or try and change the world to women only proposing. You must be very rude to think such an idea is objectifying a woman...and that is coming from one.

Awh sweetie thats horrible! look on the bright side though.. At least you know that she didn't feel the same way before you got married.. instead of years of unhappiness! now you can move on!

Man, you were close enough to propose to her, WITH a father's approval, and she dumped you? (Maybe it's just me, but most fathers won't approve of guys that they don't trust- and trust doesn't come all that easily!) That must hurt like hell. To those of you who are putting down the poor guy, it's not like he went behind her back planning it out weeks in advance with them, he asked an HOUR before he was going to propose. Heck, most dudes' friends know when they're going to propose weeks before the girl does, not to mention the girl's friends. What part of getting a parent's approval before proposing is objectifying? The part where they still propose? Or maybe getting married itself is the part that objectifies a woman- how dare a man even consider tying a girl down to him! Does that sound ridiculous to you? Hope so, it's how your arguments sound. I would further imagine that those daughters who would feel objectified by it must not have a very close relationship with their parents, and would sooner leave them out of the marriage process altogether. Keep in mind unless you move away and ignore them, you're BOTH marrying into a family too.


well at least you can save the ring for someone who deserves it. :)

All you feminists should get your heads out your butts and realize that this is a tradition that goes beyond objectification and property. Asking a father's permission, or at least informing them of your intentions will be seen as an act of confidence and trust for them. When you get married, you inherit your spouse's parents as your own. What kind of a family doesn't let each other know what's going on, especially when it goes to something as big as marriage? Obviously, none of you feminists are parents since you don't give a rat's ass who your kids marry. But considering you all are okay with terminating the life of an infant prior to birth, I'm not surprised. YOU IDIOTS should realize that both the parents and the young man are doing in this in LOVE for the daughter/girlfriend. The father isn't seeing if his daughter is worthy of the boyfriend, IT'S THE OTHER WAY AROUND. He does it because he cares for her.