By Brad - 08/03/2009 05:33 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend dumped me for someone else. An hour earlier I had just gotten permission from her dad to propose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 157 368
You deserved it 7 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mistress_Puppy 0

Oh poor thing I'm sorry. But at least you knew how she felt before you actually proposed.

At least this happened instead of her cheating on you with this guy down the road, leading to a long and painful divorce.


ooooooooooooooooooo u poor baby im so srry that absuloutly sux

You did the right thing by asking her dad, she did the wrong thing and dumped you!! there is MUCH better out there. =]

There are plenty of good arguments there on both sides. Allow me to lend my thoughts, which I hope prove to be more charitable interpretations of both parties' interests. Not everyone is conscious of the implications of old traditions, and I don't think we should hasten to condemn traditionalists if we are not privy to their true intentions. Additionally, whether the OP was truly objectifying her or not, he obviously felt attached enough to propose marriage. I believe he deserves sympathy for the loss of his love alone, whether it was spiritual or material. So there are no misunderstandings, I do believe it is the inherent right of anyone to decline marriage or end an incompatible courtship, but it is never a happy situation. The timing was also very unfortunate, but not necessarily malicious. I just wonder if the father knew about his daughter's intentions before agreeing. That would be an evil twist, huh?

collykmartinez 0

I don't understand how it got to the proposal. I just feel sorry for the whole situation. You... nobody deserves that.

blahnoopoo 0

Dude, if she let go of a guy who's still willing to be respectful and ask her parents for permission before he proposes, she doesn't deserve you anyway.

that ******* sucks... shes a stupid *****

I'm sorry but my girlfriend wants me to ask her father as it is "right and traditional" Her dad will probably laugh. Really, I think it depends on what the girls wants. If i were a father I wouldn't expect it, but as I said I'm willing to do that for someone I love.

rab1015 0

3 comments are being repeated here..we have people bitching about him asking for the father's permission, people bitching back about how its traditional and sweet to do so, and then the people who actually responded to the FML. I am about to do the latter of the 3. Dude that sucks but she just wasnt the one. You'll find someone 10 times better and youll be glad she left when she did for the record i think its traditional to ask for the father's blessing, not to consider the woman as an object but really to acknowledge the parents that its happening and that i respect them enough to be informed before it happens. obviously this is an assumption, but i think by saying "asking for the father's permission" the OP really means notifying the parents, because, like many others said, if the father has said no, then what? i think ultimately it was the OPs choice to propose regardless of the father's evaluation, and would have been the girlfriends decision whether to accept (if it had gotten that far). People, this is a comment board on fml. its not a huge deal and noone was trying to start a war between these opinions when (once again the way i see it) i think it was a word slip that caused all the craziness.