By pikachu - 20/01/2009 20:00 - United States

Today, my girlfriend farted in her sleep, woke me up because it was so damn loud, and my room smelt like rotten noodles for about an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 576
You deserved it 4 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alleygirl 0

See, what you need to learn is the Self-Dutch Oven in vengeance. Next time you let out a big 'un under the covers while she's sleeping, sneak out in such a way that still contains the gases under the blankets. Then turn the lights on. She'll throw the covers over her head to hide from the light.

stock up on air fresher. It is a normal human thing to fart in sleep. You probably do it but don't realize it. Grow balls and stop worrying about stuff like this.


Proof that girls DO fart! But sorry about the smell OP...yuck

sugarbear0727 19

Better hope its not pregnancy farts. Oh god they stink. As a pregnant girl, I know. I've farted on my boyfriend a few times, and I swear he almost puked. I just laughed. That sucks that it was loud enough to wake you up. But I guess that depends on if you're a light or heavy sleeper. If you're a light sleeper, not anything to worry about, but if you're a heavy sleeper, she must have been blowing some major ass to wake you up.

You typed that ridiculous and totally inaccurate rant, instead of just opening a dictionary or Googling "British English"? And the education system is "worse THEN useless", is it? Good job showing off your own ignorance to the whole world.

Stop feeding her rotten noodles. lol Problem solved.

everybody friggin does it. get over it.