By Anonymous - 11/04/2009 15:47 - United States

Today, my girlfriend got the breast implants she's been wanting for the last 5 years. When I went to pick her up at the hospital she said, "Maybe I can find a guy with a real job now!" I paid for her fake tits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 034
You deserved it 21 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheZman 0

You should have proceded to take a needle and pop those bitches

Well if she dumps you, say "Hmm isnt the left one slightly bigger?" No matter who tells her they are fine, it will still eat away at her :)


Aristai 0

Real boobs are always better than fake, no matter the size...

Ah, there was a comment a second ago saying mention one looks slightly bigger, and I would go with that. They were right, it would eat away at her.

FHL! Run!!! Sorry dude! But she's fake, time for you to get a real gf! Like hello how many guys do you think would love her for her (like you!) She'll be back. Hope you moved on by then! She doesn't deserve you man!

I would've dumped her on the spot, then sued her for the expenses.

fatalscape 0

she didnt leave you did she? She probably said that knowing you werent going anywhere and its not like you can get a refund. hope you two have been going out for a while to make it worth it or maybe you have money blow like that. good luck.

eastsidehippie 0

That's horrible for her to make such a comment like that. Respond with "Maybe I can find a girl with real breasts!" and the "one looks slightly bigger on you" comment.

Stupid bitch. But you deserve it for consenting to getting her implants. You both suck.

agree with #4. She's always going to be paranoid if you do that, which she deserves for not appreciating the gift you gave her.