By anonymous - 11/04/2009 13:23 - United States

Today, as I was walking into CVS, two older men outside said to me "Young lady, please consider us on your way out." Thinking they were hitting on me, I rolled my eyes and said "Screw you." When I walked back outside, I realized they were asking for AIDS donations. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 531
You deserved it 86 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SpunkT 0

Wow, way to overreact. One thing this site has taught me is a lot of girls think they're getting hit on when they aren't. ******* get over yourself. You probably aren't that pretty.

collegegirl8 0

YDI, how in the world could you think that they were hitting on you?


collegegirl8 0

YDI, how in the world could you think that they were hitting on you?

redsox4021 0

Sound like... what's the word I'm looking for?...... oh yeah A BITCH

22cute 17

Ha ha You suck, arrogant bitch!

basketballbabee 0
generalsmith2 0

The first thing girls always think of is someone wants their body, is about to rape them or is hitting on them. seriously? i agree with #1 get over yourself.

SpunkT 0

Wow, way to overreact. One thing this site has taught me is a lot of girls think they're getting hit on when they aren't. ******* get over yourself. You probably aren't that pretty.

I agree, #159, except for the last two sentences. If it were me, I would be embarrased and try to hide my face. Also, what if OP only had, say, a hundred dollar bill? You don't go saying "can I have this in changr because I don't want to donate much to you". Some things must be taken into account.

Yep pretty much, a lot of girls think every guy wants them and it's very annoying.

manoverboard 0

...yah, you definitely deserved that. Not all old men are creepy.

Is it that hard for people to speak their minds without being rude about it?

No letting. She may be a worthless, self-centered child, but that's no excuse to be a bitch to complete strangers!

Ox_Baker 0

It was probably a scam. You did the right thing.

u r RETARTED she wasn't doing the right thing listen to #1 dumb ass

bawpo 2

And you sir, are retarD*ed :).

Chances are any time you see people ask you something like that outside a CVS, they are going to be standing there for donations for some kind of program I hope you at least donated when you walked back out and realized... lol

Petunia888 13

It's like Walgreens. A convenience store/drug store.