By Gonzales - 07/08/2015 19:47 - Belgium - Leuven

Today, my girlfriend said she would give my penis a name: Gonzales. I asked why she wanted to name it that, and she said, "Because he's Speedy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 764
You deserved it 5 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least your girlfriend has a good sense of humour about it, OP.


When women find out something is wrong with their health or they just are overwight or something they change diet, do exercises or visit doctors. When men find out somthing is wrong with their health and endurance, they prefer to whine on the internet sites.

Firstly, that's just not true. Secondly, it might not be an actual problem. It's possible that OP is just new to all this, in which case ejaculating quickly is completely normal. Thirdly, if it IS a problem, you don't know that OP isn't doing anything about it. It's possible to both post on FML and visit the doctor. It's not like you have to choose between them.

You can try focusing on the foreplay more so it appears your lasting longer. There's things you can do if you're actually concerned about how long you last.

Next time you're coming, yell 'Andale! Andale! Arriba! Arriba! La PussyGata'

Have fun with it. Her pussy is now Slowpoke Rodriguez

She made an incredible reference/joke and complimented you on your sexual performance. What is the issue?

Avashantu 18

Hahaha. Honestly, this is the best thing I've heard all day.

Well it could be speedy because it can hit fast too;)

Be happy man. It takes me forever to finish. My girlfriends' have always finished before me.