By no paedo - 11/03/2016 20:35 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh

Today, my girlfriend thought it'd be funny to change my ringtone to some guy crooning "Thank heaven for little girls" and then call me during today's teacher-parent conference. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 975
You deserved it 1 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that sounds very immature and that may cost you your job... I'd have a serious chat with her.

Mathalamus 24

well. seems like your girlfriend has no ******* clue how bad this makes you look. seriously, how did she not know the implications of this?


That's horrible she did that. But also, why would you not have your phone on at least silent during a parent-teacher conference?

corky1992 33

That's why you either turn your phone off or put it on silent during things like that.

KayleeFrye 39

Normally I would have agreed that your life sucks. However, YDI because your phone should have been on silent during a conference. Zero sympathy!!!

Those seem like drastic consequences to wish on someone for a small mistake.

If your a teacher or a parent should you have your phone off or at least on vibrate. To give teacher/parent your undivided attention to talk about the student

slinthsand 2

Break up with her immediately. She's too immature for a relationship.

It's a song, and a classic. It doesn't mean anything. And there is no rule against having that as a ringtone (I'm guessing) so if the parents have a fit I can't imagine the school is going to up and fire you. Unless you have some sort of record of pissing people off.

Even so, if the parents feel uncomfortable with it, OP's reputation could be seriously damaged. It only takes a tiny offence to start a rumor, and once people get that idea in their heads, they can never quite get rid of it.

I can see how that ringtone would be funny under a different situation, but you being a teacher and also in a parent teacher conference, it's not at all something she should have thought was okay.

I think we need some elaboration here: were you the "parent" part of the conference or the "teacher" part?

I guess some just cant tell the difference between a joke and inappropriate!

Are you the parent or the teacher? If your the parent that's kinda funny; if you're the teacher that a horrible thing to do.