By GlueAndCarrots - 29/05/2015 15:05 - Canada - Markham

Today, my girlfriend threatened to break up with me because I crossed the street without holding her hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 217
You deserved it 4 353

Same thing different taste


She seems pretty clingy. I think it might be best to let that threat turn into reality, OP.

Maybe she was just complaining about you not holding her hand at all? Since that's a way to show affection, some people get offended when their partners don't do it.

idxntgiveafxck 17
imhidden 16

Try not holding a door open for her and see what happens

FusionPlacebo 26

She wanted to claim you as her own. You are her property.

That's so childish..she hasn't grown up yet OP.

Not a bad habit to learn, like opening doors for her and walking nearer the street when on a sidewalk. How could it hurt?