By Anonymous - 22/06/2013 07:31 - United States - Piedmont

Today, my girlfriend told me that she feels pregnant. I didn't believe her, given how recently we had sex for the first time, so I told her to take a test to make sure. She's very sure now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 833
You deserved it 51 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well congrats on being a daddy but it doesn't matter if it's the first time you have sex. sex is sex

First time or not, she can still get pregnant...I thought they taught you that in health class.


Is it yours? If it is, YDI. If it isn't, FYL.

alkolaali 7

Congratulation. You just added another bastard to the already overwhelmed system. Protection didn't you hear about it

Idk what to say other than, if it was less than 1-2 weeks might want DNA tests done, but either way...if you used NO protection (and a latex glove DOESN'T count), then you were pretty much just begging to become a father, in which case YDI

WonkeyDonkey 10
TheSofaKing 7

If you had sex two days before she felt pregnant, I would have a DNA test. On her next visit to the doctor, go with her and let the doctor tell you how far along she is. My wife "felt pregnant" numerous times but was not. When she was actually pregnant, she started eating more and complained about the smell of my aftershave lotion and her perfume.

You know, those tests don't work over night. He didn't say how recently. If it had only been a week, it may not be his baby...

Check how many weeks she is pregnant for and when you had sex for the first time. She was probably sleeping around

I knew right away. Didn't have to miss my period for symptoms to show. Test came out positive right away. My son is 16 now!

That's why you shouldn't have sex before marriage.

I've learned so much about pregnancy from these comments...