By Anonymous - 22/06/2013 07:31 - United States - Piedmont

Today, my girlfriend told me that she feels pregnant. I didn't believe her, given how recently we had sex for the first time, so I told her to take a test to make sure. She's very sure now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 833
You deserved it 51 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well congrats on being a daddy but it doesn't matter if it's the first time you have sex. sex is sex

First time or not, she can still get pregnant...I thought they taught you that in health class.


How long is "recently" and Is this an example of selective reading?

For the record, I'm a three-time mom. The last time, I KNEW right away, but second-guessed myself because, like most of you here, I figured there was no way I *could* know. I thought it was a myth. Turns out I was right the first time. And I know it was *that* night for two reasons: in the 4 months between conception and me realizing "Gee, I haven't had a period in months, maybe I should check that!" we didn't have any sex at all. Nor had we had any in the weeks before that night. (Needless to say, I was full of FML at the time.) Sometimes women DO just know.

Why would YOUR life suck in the first place? You got HER pregnant!

Key word is recently. You won't just up preggers on a test the next week. It takes a few weeks for it to show up on a test usually. He's insinuating that she's cheating on him.

Probably someone else's child and she knew of the pregnancy and that's why she had sex with you.

If it was her first time congrats. If not then DNA testing is in your future.

Dude thats why you double bag just to make sure theres no leakage......oh and your grounded for

#134 PLEASE tell me you don't believe that double bagging works. If you double bag the latex rubs against each other and will actually increase the chances of pregnancy. And when I say 'increase the chances' I'm comparing it to using a single condom. Two is better than none but if you use two to 'make sure there's no leakage' then you need to go back to grade school health class.

what do you mean recently? The test only shows after two weeks or something. Make sure to do the math to see if it really is yours.

AngelLovesDerby 10

How the *** do you "feel pregnant" is my question...

I am sure others will say people with IQ's as low as yours shouldn't be procreating. But my only question is how someone with your IQ even learned to have sex in the first place?!?