By ouch - 09/12/2009 17:09 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was telling me how concerned she was about her weight. I told her not to worry, because it gives more cushion for the pushin' anyway. She picked up a lamp and threw it right at my dingleberries. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 060
You deserved it 76 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Telionis 0

I thought dingleberries were the result of poor wiping post bowl movement?


LOL at dingleberries. I assume you mean your balls, not the poop stuck in your ass hairs. Either way, YDI.

If she had said "my boyfriend insulted me, i threw a lamp at his balls, and then he broke up with me, FML" she would also have gotten a bunch of YDIs, but fact is, he probably knew his girlfriend was a bit crazy and said it anyways. tread carefully around the crazies, or YDI..

YDI for calling your nuts dingleberries...

Skullcrusher 5
warrenpeace 0

She threw the lamp at your pieces of shit hanging from your butt hairs? Dude, are you 12?

flyintonite 0

I read this as threw her dingleberries at you which woulda been ******* hilarious imo, but I think you met balls. At any rate, what have we learned today?

a192837465 0

lol that's what I was thinking, who throws a lamp at your butt. hey maybe it can be the new foreplay!!

perdix 29

"Dingle Bells, Dingle Bells, dingle all the way! (Everybody!). . . " The OP did the right thing. The stupid bitch was asking for his permission to become a fat pig before his very eyes! She knows she has a problem, and she should get off her expanding ass and do something about it. She was hoping that he was OK with her lack of discipline (and her taking him for granted) and would continue to **** her big, gelatinous haunches!

I understood that he meant testicles, even though that's not a word we generally use in reference to those. Anyway the girl shouldn't go full-out assault on him for any reason, but nobody likes being called fat. So FYLYDI tossup.

You totally deserved it for making such a comment. Rule #1 is never make negative comments referencing a woman's weight, especially when she's rambling about it out of anger.

ThisismeBaby 0

ew thats disgusting do u kno wht dingleberries are???? they r shit thats stuk to ur pubic hair dam lameass