By ouch - 09/12/2009 17:09 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was telling me how concerned she was about her weight. I told her not to worry, because it gives more cushion for the pushin' anyway. She picked up a lamp and threw it right at my dingleberries. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 060
You deserved it 76 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Telionis 0

I thought dingleberries were the result of poor wiping post bowl movement?


Hugorgy 0

You are now the yardstick with which I measure stupidity.

i moderated this one and it definitely said SISTER not girlfriend, which is even worse.

she threw the lamp at the small pieces of feces that stick to the hairs surrounding your anus? huh, good aim!

YDI for typing dingleberries. hope your "dingleberries" still hurt.

Thunderbender 2

I would have said YDI but since you said dingleberries I'll let you off the hook.

OohAah01 0

You deserved it anyway for dating a girl who is both that hypersensitive and that violent. Time for a new girlfriend (if you have any self-respect)!