By cj123 - 23/12/2011 08:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend yelled at me for breathing too much. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 513
You deserved it 5 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"I'm so sick of you breathing all the time!! Just stop, that's all I ask! Just do this one thing for me and stop breathing!"

Epsilonyx 15

Next time you're in public, stop breathing and cause a scene. When she tells you to stop, sob uncontrollably and scream "ISN'T THIS WHAT YOU WANTED YOU FAT BITCH", then lay in the fetal position and urinate everywhere.


Yell at her for her heart beating too much. She must be stupid if she doesn't understand that you need to breathe to live.

If you breathing too much bothers her, I wonder what she says during sex.

princessmollysue 9
j_ortiz27 7

Fat slob. Quit being a mouth breather.

Because every "fat slob" is a mouth breather, right?? (buzzer) Wrong. Get out, you lost the game.

perdix 29

She means breathing too loudly. Why would she care exactly how much oxygen you are consuming? Your body adjusts that automatically. You don't have to say "Aaaaaahhhh" every time you exhale, that's only in yoga and Lamaze class. Otherwise, it's ******* annoying.

its funny cuz Kate gosselin said something like that to Jon once

Stop taking all the oxygen, you selfish bastard!!! God man, you're waste of oxygen.

kaykay20 0

Were you both in the car? To much breathing can cause fogged up windows so understandable to be asked not to breath so much but they usually aren't completely serious (obviously cause a person needs to breath to live). Constant loud breathing can be annoying when a persons already irritable and annoyed about something. Either way she shouldn't be mean to you in anyway cause of it.

onorexveritas 23

dump her ass and tell her she smells too much