By cj123 - 23/12/2011 08:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend yelled at me for breathing too much. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 513
You deserved it 5 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"I'm so sick of you breathing all the time!! Just stop, that's all I ask! Just do this one thing for me and stop breathing!"

Epsilonyx 15

Next time you're in public, stop breathing and cause a scene. When she tells you to stop, sob uncontrollably and scream "ISN'T THIS WHAT YOU WANTED YOU FAT BITCH", then lay in the fetal position and urinate everywhere.


Epsilonyx 15

Next time you're in public, stop breathing and cause a scene. When she tells you to stop, sob uncontrollably and scream "ISN'T THIS WHAT YOU WANTED YOU FAT BITCH", then lay in the fetal position and urinate everywhere.

ewputthataway 0

I think you got a little to in to that o-o

Why do you say that 41? Sounds like an average Sunday morning at my house.

cmoore366 0

That's by far the best idea I've seen on here

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

I couldn't help but laugh xD sorry. It's cruel, I know. But that would be interesting to see

omgthatsosuppera 4

:') that was beautiful! I'm now taking a moment of silence to appreciate people like you for making the world more interesting

Sinamoi 18
blondebrunette11 4
Llamacod 11

C'mon, even dartgvader may be able to pull off a decent darth vader impersonation

Isn't it obvious? Op is dartgvader (Vaders cousin from tatooine), the idiot who put the exhaust port on the Death Star at the end of a long trench.

blondebrunette11 4

Guys.... I meant DarthVader. Smh.

So I'm confused....are you blonde? Or are you brunette?....or are you 11?

I hope you've learned your lesson. You should know better than that.

had to make an account just so I could fav this hahahah

YakuzaxGeneralz 9

I would clap for you… but I have no hands.

I would love to hear that story in person, but I have no ears.

I would like to tell that story to someone, but i have no mouth.

stephanieeDawnx 0

I'd like to see this story.. Oh, wait, no I wouldn't. This story sucks. :D

flockz 19

I was thinking more like suffocate her with his dick

perdix 29

I know these clingy girls might want to suffocate you, but I didn't think they meant it literally. If your girlfriend seems to be hoarding dry-cleaning plastic, RUN!!!

Are you a mouth breather? I can see how that would get annoying.

Yeah, because we all get pissed people who breath through their mouth...

66- it is possible to breathe through your nose. When people breathe through their mouths it's loud and annoying, and unless you have a stuffed up nose or you're 4 years old you shouldn't know better

hateevryone 14

unless you have asthma, she need to shut up.

So you are saying people with Asthma shouldn't breath? That's pretty cold.

Was your mouth buried between her thighs at the time?

ikickgingers 15