By agentile - 02/12/2010 01:14 - United States

Today, my grandma was leaning over in front of me, vacuuming, while wearing a V-neck shirt. Out of instinct, I glanced at her chest. She's 75. I checked out my 75 year-old grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 640
You deserved it 60 495

Same thing different taste


So how was it? Dont bullshit us either. Details man details.

RedPillSucks 31

Has anyone seen the movie "Harold and Maude"? It's an old movie so....

I bet this never happened and you just wanted to type something a feel people would comment on. if it did happen, WTF would you spread it around via Internet. no or cares!

apparently you care if you are commenting on it

His girlfriend has got some competition.

just cuz u looked doesn't mean u checked her out

RedPillSucks 31