By kdgirl - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my grandmother gave me rosary beads for my birthday. She told me I'd better start praying for a husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 867
You deserved it 3 229

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think I would have said, "Don't worry. My boyfriend promised to leave his wife, stop selling drugs, and then marry me."


I think I would have said, "Don't worry. My boyfriend promised to leave his wife, stop selling drugs, and then marry me."

tell her that you will just sleep with alot of men then see what she says

Grandma knows all. Better listen to her or you're going to die bitter & alone. Or you could just live your own life & tell her to stay out of it.

christian50 0

at least they weren't Anal beads?

#53 That should be what someone says after anything unfortunate happens. "My dog died. FML." "At least it wasn't anal beads!"

RuMyDaisy 0

is that what u got from ur gramma?

At 14-15 my GrandMother asked me if I had my future husband picked out. Between 16 & 17 she kept reminding me I wasn't getting any younger. At 18 she declared I was going to be an 'Old Maid.' By 19 she wanted to know if I was, one of those women who 'just didn't care much for men?' When I married at 26 she just said, 'About time. You're lucky to find a man who'll take such an old wife.' Aren't old people fun? :)

I think we must have had the same grandmother. Mine pulled that "old maid" crap on me when I was 22 and just graduating from college. What a prune!