By Anonymous - 12/12/2013 23:25 - United States - Santa Clarita

Today, my grandparents came over to visit. I'm still not sure if they came to see me or my dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 446
You deserved it 3 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just wait until you have kids. Your parents will never come to see you again, just their grandkids. And if you happen to be there too, well whatever. As long as they get to see their grandkids.


christian2234 15

Whenever I get a new foster dog in, everyone comes over to see it. I don't take offense. Would be nice if they would adopt one of them though.

Tell them to take care of the dog then, see how they like that!

We got a puppy two weeks ago. There's been a dramatic spike in visits from family members in those two weeks. Funny coincidence, eh?

wtf? anon! you got two FMLs posted to day! your life really sucks...

JMichael 25

Well that depends, does the dog give them more attention and appreciation than you do?

That's the kind of grandparents i'd be when i'm old

Why not get them a dog if they like your dog so much.