By Monique - 10/04/2011 06:50 - United States

Today, my head has been killing me. I've had the worst headache ever. Happy that I could finally sleep, I plopped onto my bed and bashed my head on the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 112
You deserved it 10 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments


headache+bed+wall= bigger headache b way to go haha =)

batgirl_babygirl 0

idk about you but when I have a "killer" headache I seem to move kinda slow and wouldn't "plop" down in bed because that just jars your head around..and you would have hit your head if you were moving as if you really had a "killer" I'm gonna have to say YDI

BrokenWingAngel 0

Don't you just hate when that happens? Meaning when you have a headache, and you don't want to make it worse, you end up hitting it or hearing something loud? I'm sorry that happened sweetie. Well better luck next time.

scootersown 0

happens to me constantly. Don't see me crying to the FML community.

wyzrd71 0

I have been dealing with a debilitating headache all morning and got home from church and hit my head on the metal bed post and now I have a knot on my noggin lol. hope you feel better.

They say misfortunes come in sets of three. Or something like that.