By anon - 13/01/2014 01:53 - United States - Bullhead City

Today, my husband and I decided to have a quickie before the kids woke up from their nap. The sex was amazing and I couldn't hold in my screams or not hit the wall. About 15 minutes in, both of our children came busting in with their nerf guns, screaming, "Where's the monster?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 499
You deserved it 36 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Look, it's hidden in Mommy's dungeon! Quick, get it!"

At least they didn't call the police first


harmtouch16 11

wtf is wrong with you that you're so selfish and stupid you can't control your mouth? I have FOUR children and we have sex all the time, but they would never hear it. There's a time to be loud and a time to think about other people. Your children should be the first priority. You can't control hitting the wall? Frieking control yourself.

Damn calm down. its not her fault. I'm positive she didn't purposely scream and hit the the wall with the intention on waking up her kids. other wise she wouldn't have made and FML about it.

harmtouch16 11

Whether she did it on purpose or not she is still selfish, stupid, and immature. When you have children it's not all about you anymore. It's really stupid to say, "I couldn't control myself and not hit the wall." My husbands workin with a nice 8 inches and we have a healthy sex life, but I guarantee you none of my children know about it.

How sweet!! The kids were trying to protect you.

Congrats on all your amazing sex! But you really should control the noises you make when your children are in the house. I think it's fine to have sex while they're in the house, especially when they're having a nap, but I think it's pretty selfish of you to scream and moan so loudly while you do it. That kind of thing can feel so awkward and embarrassing.

Nope, you're disgusting. Your poor children.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Well you know your kids will defend you now.

you really should be more careful. you could scar their lives forever like my parents did D:

Why don't parents ever lock their doors?

I think you need a ball gag and some handcuff ;)