By anon - 13/01/2014 01:53 - United States - Bullhead City

Today, my husband and I decided to have a quickie before the kids woke up from their nap. The sex was amazing and I couldn't hold in my screams or not hit the wall. About 15 minutes in, both of our children came busting in with their nerf guns, screaming, "Where's the monster?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 499
You deserved it 36 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Look, it's hidden in Mommy's dungeon! Quick, get it!"

At least they didn't call the police first


menoseloso 13

That is the third FML I have seen with the name must have a wacky life... Well looks like it's best when they are not napping...

perdix 29

#40, then block the door with a chair. Trust me, when a couple having sex gets walked in on, no one wins, except the psychotherapists and the makers of brain bleach.

buttcramp 21

on the bright side, your kids sound like they're pretty awesome!

frizz101 22

I have to say you deserve it, if your kids are old enough do do something like that, they are old enough to remember it, and if you decide to have sex, even if they are asleep, take some precautions for goodness sake. Kids don't wanna walk in on their parents having sex. And for goodness sake have enough sense to scream into a pillow if you're incapable of muffling yourself.

Sweet Jesus , take it to a room with a lock. You're gonna scar your babies .

That's not a quickie, that's a session at 15 minutes!

It's just nice to see some Married couples still keeping the spark going! I'm guessing you guys didn't get to finish though lol