By anon - 13/01/2014 01:53 - United States - Bullhead City

Today, my husband and I decided to have a quickie before the kids woke up from their nap. The sex was amazing and I couldn't hold in my screams or not hit the wall. About 15 minutes in, both of our children came busting in with their nerf guns, screaming, "Where's the monster?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 499
You deserved it 36 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Look, it's hidden in Mommy's dungeon! Quick, get it!"

At least they didn't call the police first


Dman131 10

your kids must care a lot about you. they're awesome

Awesome kids but crappy timeing suggest a pillow next time lol

Nastorrian 11

Sounds like my wife and I. It is good to see another couple have that much fun too!

Wonder what they'll think when they find out daddy's the monster (;

fuckmylife518 15

Awww that's so cute! Absolutely hilarious and probably mortifying, but also completely adorable!!

That's adorable but must've been a really embarrassing moment for you and your husband. At least you know they love you. I hope the kids didn't see too much though. If you don't already have a lock you should get one though.

that just means ur ****** how ur supposed to

jazopalchris 14