By demk - 20/08/2009 14:51 - United States

Today, my husband and I were in bed, and just as I was about to finish he screamed, "Oh shit! It's 4:15, my strawberries are gonna whither!!!!" and then jumped off me and went to check on his farm on FarmVille. An imaginary farm, on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 846
You deserved it 8 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lolatflyingducks 0

Clearly, you have never played Farmville.

chadhilliard67 0

haha, lets hope his strawberrys didnt whither


801solo 0

wow. he stopped for strawberries? I mean there not even worth that much. now grapes that's another story..

LMFAO, this is awsome. I feel bad for the girl though. LOL, i know enough people that LOVE this game off. I die when i listen to them talk about it. hahahaha, Which should i do?!? Use the FV cash (that they bought) or money earned from croping stuff.


LOL farmville is awesome i hate it wen im not home intime to harvest my strawberrys tell him not to buy them they die to quikly :P

FYL for your husband being sucked into the rudiculous cyber farm cult shit.

at first i thought he was talking about his nuts lol. but that deserves an intervention. oh and btw? I couldn't give two craps about your freaking lost emu or whatever

hey when you gotta deal with your crop you deal with your crop

lelanatty 0

win. best Fml yet. :) fyl though.

that honestly sounds like my dad. (not the having sex part) but the whole farmville thing. he's addicted.

deafeningsilence 8