By anonymous - 24/04/2012 18:18 - United States

Today, my husband announced that he wants to separate emotionally. Meanwhile, he still wants me to cook and clean for him while he dates his new girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 209
You deserved it 3 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats when you slap him and take all his money.


wildfiresgirl 7

Oh heeeeelllllll no kick his lazy, "emotionally seperate" ass out the door! Or at least shove your foot up his ass!

What a jerkwad! If he wants someone to cook and clean for him, he can hightail it back to his mother's house! Hopefully, she'd give him a good whooping too after you do!

make him pay your bills while you date a new boyfriend.

b00kn3rd 14
invisibleman8472 17
UltimateGIRness 16

Tell him sure....then kick him out right after you spend all his cash

urbanfan74 2

OH HELL NAW!! I'd tell him just exactly where he could go & take that ***** with him!

GrayceLi 1