By countryblumpkin - 01/08/2013 18:06 - United States - Grand Rapids

Today, my husband begged me to go down on him while he sat on the toilet, taking a crap. He tried to convince me that we'd both somehow experience mind-blowing orgasms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 094
You deserved it 7 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So so so disgusting... And unhygienic.

Black_Rose97 9

well isnt that a load of crap... anyone?


ViviMage 39

Maybe HE'D have an ******. The anus can contract as an ****** is hit, so maybe pooping and getting head could intensify that. Still, not doing it!! Way too gross!

what the **** are tou doing with that kinda nutjob?

Sounds like he's trying to fulfill his sexual bucket list

ewww!!!!!!! *gags* tell him to eat you out the next time you get your period xD

Epikouros 31

He'd probably enjoy that, too.

It's called a blumpkin, and actually does give an insane ****** to him. But still... Ew.

Now you know what kind of **** he watches. Gross.

iGottaFindBubbah 12

I don't understand people who find that orgasmic. That's just nasty.

I don't understand how anyone can ask something that gross of their partner in the first place. There are acceptable requests and then there are requests where you might want to run very far away.