By Anonymous - 17/04/2009 13:44 - United States

Today, my husband of three years told me he only proposed to me because his favorite football team was winning and he had been drunk. I had our second child three days ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 93 536
You deserved it 5 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i hope when he said this to you he added something along the lines of "i'm so lucky i did"

What is the problem here? he got to get drunk and watch his team win, you got the ring. you're obviously still together. it seems to me like good things happen when he's drunk. go out and get him a case of beer and ask him for a new house. you got this champ


even if he was drunk when he proposed, im pretty sure he sobered up the next day. and went through the planning, wedding, etc. if he was willing to do that WHILE HE WAS SOBER, then you have a husband that loves you. this isnt FML worthy; you just had your second child.

Well some say: Alcohol lets out someone's true feelings and then there is: don't listen to drunken promises. I am just concerned that he would actually say it out loud, and at this point in time.

AntiChrist7 0

a drunken person isn't that difficult to spot. you are naive or stupid. and you maied a drunk who doesn't take things serious. YDI

Today, I told my wife some joke about how I only proposed to her because I was feeling happy and drunk. She then smacked me across the face, ran out the room, and filed for a divorce. FML

yeahreally 6

#2 is could you not put 2 and 2 together?

so how did he have the ring before hand then? or did he not propose with a ring? obviously he would've had to think he was proposing if he had one.