By Hannah - 21/12/2010 17:01 - United States

Today, my husband said that when we have sex he almost gets as excited as he does when he gets a chopper gunner on Black Ops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 060
You deserved it 7 909

Same thing different taste


But OP sadly doesn't understand. Thus, she'll never truly know just how much she excites her man :<

dubstep87 0
LightningLadyy 0

28, your picture is just awesome.

TrustMeImaDR 0

yes that is the best I have read in a ling time

really who plays call of duty and says shit like that? your all fags! if you think a game is better than being with your girl you have some serious problems. I mean I play call of duty but it's nowhere as good as being with my girl. all you douche bags need to grow up

Thank you, kind sir. I was waiting on someone with half a brain to contribute something.

YouKnowJosh 0

Does he yell "Get ready for the next round" in a Russian accent?

hahaha omg.... I hate cod and that's. deff something my man would say