By Hannah - 21/12/2010 17:01 - United States

Today, my husband said that when we have sex he almost gets as excited as he does when he gets a chopper gunner on Black Ops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 060
You deserved it 7 909

Same thing different taste


YouKnowJosh 0

Does he yell "PLANTING EXPLOSIVES!!" when he sticks it in?

Moitrix 0

I know I do except my Wang is actually a piece of dynamite

serenity40 6

I agree. getting a chopper gunner is really exciting.

lol why should guys get SOOO excited over's 10 minutes long. plus half the girls are unsatisfied anyways let your man play his video games!

Just because you're terrible at sex doesn't mean it's not great. I love my video games, too, but if my husband was feeling frisky, I'd be finding a save point real quick.

carpediemryders 0

the only problem is that their is no save point on multi player online, if their was I'd use it too. But theirs not so my wife just has to wait whenever she asks for something, or wants something!

Darko21 5

Too bad you're not "Gunship" material.


DRock525 0

to mess with him back, tell him but not as excited as you are when you get Attack Dog's in your care package, then the gun ship!