By ewww - 03/12/2009 05:59 - United States

Today, my husband stabbed me with his unusually long, nasty toenails in the leg while he slept. It took 3 stitches to fix it up, my husband and doctor laughed the entire time. He still refuses to cut them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 380
You deserved it 3 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GR3453m0nk3y 4

SLIP SOMETHING IN HIS DRINK AND THEN CUT THEM sorry about the caps, i'd fix it but im too lazy

Make him sleep on the couch. Or the porch, if you don't have a couch.


I'm going to venture that his hygiene is poor in other ways, as well. To not cut his nails after notably injuring you, is disrespectful towards you as well as being disgusting and filthy (dirt, dead skin, and bacteria trapped under the nails, anyone?). You could have gotten an infection from a cut like that. Does he actually expect you to have sex with him?

I’m also beginning to question this man’s hygiene. OP, I hope you got a tetanus shot as well while at the doctor’s

YDI for not taking a garden shears to his freaky toenails while he slept like any sensible person would have.

biteyourtongue 0

If he's going to harm you, and leave the possibility open of it happening again when he can clearly do something to fix it, there is something wrong with him/your relationship. Especially if it's something like damn toe nails. It's. A. Toenail. It's not a limb. A normal person wouldn't want disgustingly long toenails, and yet he finds them more valuable than your safety? Let his ass sleep on the couch.

Hahaha my boyfriend has exactly the same problem. He doesn't cut his toenails for the longest time...but then again, he has a valid excuse. The quick of his nails grows abnormally high on his toes, and clipping his nails often result in increased pressure and pain on the attached part of the nail (sometimes even causes small blood blisters under the skin). So he rarely trims them. But FYL, definitely FYL. He shouldn't have laughed about causing you injury and pain. That's just horrid. Withhold nookie until he cuts his beastly claws, or sleep on the sofa. Or both. Or make him sleep on the sofa. Whatever works.

that is beyond gross i actually feel violated just hearing about them. tell him to cut his big arse claws lol

Gross!!!!! You need to talk to him. It sounds like he's an insenative asshole.