By ewww - 03/12/2009 05:59 - United States

Today, my husband stabbed me with his unusually long, nasty toenails in the leg while he slept. It took 3 stitches to fix it up, my husband and doctor laughed the entire time. He still refuses to cut them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 380
You deserved it 3 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GR3453m0nk3y 4

SLIP SOMETHING IN HIS DRINK AND THEN CUT THEM sorry about the caps, i'd fix it but im too lazy

Make him sleep on the couch. Or the porch, if you don't have a couch.


perdix 29

Why are you so sure he was sleeping? Maybe he just hates you.

It seems to me that you have three options, which I'm sure have all been said already, I just thought I'd sum it up for you: 1) Cut his toenails while he sleeps. 2) Put him in the doghouse - that means couch, porch, etc. and a definite withholding of sex. 3) Find something that bothers him and use it as leverage, i.e. if he hates you nagging him to pick up his underwear from the floor, agree to let him leave it there if he'll cut his toenails. Personally, I'm a fan of the first two, more because I think the results would be funnier, but option three seems like an actual solution. Think about it.

Did you start the fml with "my husband stabbed me" for dramatic effect?

He has no respect for his own wife. What a vile man.

Toenails long and sharp enough to require stitches? That is ******* disgusting.

aap_fml 0

'okay here's the deal, we'll have sex again if you cut your toenails' problem solved

DrPluton 0

He's got Samson toenails? Pull a Delilah!