By heart broken - 29/12/2013 09:05 - United States

Today, my husband told me yet again that the last two years have been the worst of his life. Our two year anniversary is next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 644
You deserved it 4 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yet again? You guys need to talk this out, or get help with a marriage counselor. Both of you sound unhappy in your relationship.


Then he doesn't deserve you, you deserve a new husband.

Why the hell hasn't he filed for divorce if he's so unhappy? Sorry, OP.

Talk to him. Some little things could be so potent to the relationship, yet so easily ironed out in a cuddly conversation.

He said "the last two years have been the worst of his life", not "the last two years with YOU have been the worst of his life." There may have been a series of terrible things that have happened over the last two years.

crazydave1998 6

everyone is attacking the guy..maybe op is a horrible person...two sides to a story

Or maybe both sides are humans who can't get past their own pride and selfishness to deal with the situation maturely and properly.

Why do you make these assumptions? Ask him why. HE IS YOUR HUSBAND GODDAMMIT TALK TO HIM!

Sometimes talking to your spouse isn't always helpful, especially when your spouse clams up and shuts you off, refuses any type of therapy/counseling, and won't make any move toward divorce nor making things better - just straddling the misery fence.

I really hope things look up...the first years are always hard...