By Anonymous - 20/09/2013 04:57 - United States - Santa Barbara

Today, my husband wanted me to "spice up" our sex life. I guess he didn't count on me vomiting when he came in my mouth. We won't be getting intimate again for a long, long time now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 695
You deserved it 12 066

Same thing different taste


Wow. That's taking things way too far by calling her a spiteful bitch, #222. Good lord.

If a BJ is spicey for you guys perhaps you ought to quit for a bit... Oral for both parties is what foreplay is made out of. Seriously.

Just keep practicing, eventually you'll do excellently at swallowing

You really took it like a champ. Lol fail.

FYL, OP. But at least you tried. :D I'm with you though - I have a very sensitive gag reflex. I can't even handle a doctor sticking a popsicle stick on my tongue. Plus, I hate the taste of semen (or whatever you want to call it), so I wouldn't have done that anyway. Maybe next time you guys spice up your sex life, try role play or go all Fifty Shades of Grey on him. :p

cmb8280 24

Best way to make sure your man never wants to cum in your mouth again. Good for you!

TabooSushi 24

Oh sweetie, I feel for you. I can't swallow either, no many how many times I try or what he does to try and make it taste better. The texture is just REVOLTING to me, the slimy stickiness makes me think of swallowing slugs or something, ugh! Kudos for trying though, it just wasn't for you. Try something else next time. :)

Spitters are quitters -- points for effort, OP ;0)