By Anonymous - 20/09/2013 04:57 - United States - Santa Barbara

Today, my husband wanted me to "spice up" our sex life. I guess he didn't count on me vomiting when he came in my mouth. We won't be getting intimate again for a long, long time now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 695
You deserved it 12 066

Same thing different taste


Evilphatpandah 5

Are you new to the English language as well? Your spelling hurts my head.

Really evilphatpandah... Defense rests.

Can you point out what is wrong with OP's spelling exactly? Because it looks perfectly fine.

I feel for you OP, I used to puke everytime my fiancé tried to finish in my mouth too. I kept trying though (slowly so as not to have another retching incident!) and eventually I got used to it, and now it's not bad at all! If you do decide keep trying, like I did, to please him then good for you for trying to stick it out for him, if you just say no from now on then there's no problem with that either. Whichever choice you make, it's yours and I'm sure he will understand. Not all girls can swallow, so don't feel bad or embarrassed or let a ruined mood this time halt your future exploits =) if you work together I'm sure you can come up with a different way to spice things up that will work for the both of you!

I definitely agree with you. That was by far the most logical and well-thought-out comment I've read on this FML

#61 gotta say, that's just sad... Real sad.... Doesn't make much difference whether you clarified or not, no one cares....

alicat326 1

Ahh that's happened to me! So embarrassinggg, it wasn't cuz taste or anything tho it was because he pushed my head in as he was coming, it sucked (lol) but then we took a shower and forgot all about it there's no reason it should change anything and def don't stop pleasing your husband.

Notonatm 1

I actually took this as her saying that this was HIS way of "spicing it up", that for HIM it was going off in her mouth. Also, just because a person doesn't want semen in their mouth doesn't mean all they have is 'boring vanilla sex'. Great for you that you're ok with it, but not everyone enjoys the taste or feeling of swallowing it down.

TyT63 12

weirdest comment section jimmies are officially rustled

#15, you have had some crummy girlfriends then. To everyone saying it's "disgusting" wtf if your man eating? No, it's not nice, but I do it because I love my boyfriend and I know it makes him happy. Aaand, there's a chance the favour will be returned. Good luck OP!

Yeliab333 20

.... I really don't blame you. It's disgusting.

sammyjanette 17

Good wifey? The amount of cum you swallow is proportionate to how good of a wife you are...? No wonder the divorce rate is at 50%.