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By Anonymous - 28/12/2010 16:47 - Netherlands

Today, my little girl spoke her first word. It was ''Daddy''. Daddy left before she was born and she has never met him before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 011
You deserved it 4 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Most children will say Da-Da first. It isn't necessarily associated with Daddy. Sorry about the sperm donor, though.

DudeImBetter 0

babies are stupid, she probably doesn't even know what that means. trust me I used to be a baby.


nothing to be sorry about. many in your house the word "daddy is used mor than another word. also, you didn't need to say "met him before" you could have said "met him"

Also, you could use caps and learn how to speak properly #31. WTF does "many in your house the word" mean??

VivaLaCobra22 0

47, instead of trying to be a smart-alec and correct someone's grammar, maybe you should learn that the caps key is only used to capitalize entire words or phrases, which would be grammatically incorrect for her comment. It's called, "the shift key."

QueenPersephone 9

47 didn't say 'caps key', he/she said 'caps'. Caps as in an abbreviated way of saying capital letters. Thanks so much for the keyboarding lesson though. 

she'll be fine. I think she'll be more upset for you, like the fact that happened to u

dont worry op, most babies first words are dada even if they don't know what a dada is! I'm sure ur doing a great job on your own, I was raised without a father and I think I turned out fine :) ur child will look up to you and see what a strong and independent woman you are :)

benjimm1 0

@18 **** u bastard I'm out here busting my ass for you and your family and your friends and this is what you think of me and those who fight beside me, who've died beside me! Ur honestly gonna call the people who are not hesitant to give their lives for you "gun frisky morons"... stfu ass hole

Your the asshole Your not even there for a good reason just to shoot things

ITrollYourFail 0

@77 I'm pretty sure that protecting a country is a pretty damn good reason to be out there.

You seriously think that they're out there "protecting our country"? How does bombing civilians protect the USA? The USA has ****** up the Middle East about ten times more than the Middle East has ****** up the USA. If that's what they call protecting their country, then I think they're a little over-protective.

bcollins1990 0

thanks for serving us! there are some appreciative people out there :)

Just HOW are you protecting your country anyway shooting anything that moves and sticking flags in it

magicstar 0
Adair69 0

Haha, inderdaad. These comments probably will get moderated though, we're not allowed to speak Dutch here ;)

kjaarmiensa 0

is her grandpa in the picture??? if so maybe it's because of him.

rudikk99 2

where did your baby heard it from???

He done probly heard it from up yonder in that thar house, see? Sheeeit.

Doc, I have never laughed so hard in all my life. Thank you sir, I really needed that.