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By Anonymous - 28/12/2010 16:47 - Netherlands

Today, my little girl spoke her first word. It was ''Daddy''. Daddy left before she was born and she has never met him before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 011
You deserved it 4 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Most children will say Da-Da first. It isn't necessarily associated with Daddy. Sorry about the sperm donor, though.

DudeImBetter 0

babies are stupid, she probably doesn't even know what that means. trust me I used to be a baby.


she can't say "step" Daddy yet or is there no man in your life?. she wants a daddy going find a man who will take the "Daddy" role

Maybe watched too many Dog Whisperers? His big help is called "Daddy" ;)

This shouldnt really be a fml in my opinion, sounds to me like the little girls misses having a father figure in her life.

this just goes to show that when babies always seem to say "dada" as their first word... it's really just that the baby 'really' just learned how to move it's mouth up and down and speak at the same time .. -_-

dada is one of the first words because it's the easiest to get out momma usually dosent come for quite awhile pater my girl didn't say mama till. she was almost a yr old

lgriffin86 0

that's really weird that she would even know of that word. I'm sorry!

most babies say that because it's easy. you have nothing to worry about

jrtwolf64 0

39. the dad left in the first place it's his fault