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By Anonymous - 28/12/2010 16:47 - Netherlands

Today, my little girl spoke her first word. It was ''Daddy''. Daddy left before she was born and she has never met him before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 011
You deserved it 4 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Most children will say Da-Da first. It isn't necessarily associated with Daddy. Sorry about the sperm donor, though.

DudeImBetter 0

babies are stupid, she probably doesn't even know what that means. trust me I used to be a baby.


Your daughter isn't knowingly saying "Daddy", she is simply stringing together sounds. Calm down, most children say "Daddy" before they say "Mommy". Its just the way the brain develops.

Hunterchick85 0

Dad or daddy is actually an easier word for them to say so it doesnt mean anythng.

bcollins1990 0

awe. I'm due in April and her daddy will be deployed. it is definitely hard.

why is it cutting my comment off?? Anyway, my 4 kids and 6 grandchildren all said daddy first! It didn't matter if he was around or not! Being in the Navy, he was often gone for up to 2 yrs. at a time!!

cardinalman77 3
